Lice Away Prevention Spray


By special request introducing lice away prevention spray for all ages. Use apply daily or as need to scalp/hair (5.5 oz.). Massage into scalp/hair, may wrap in plastic wrap for a few hours then rinse.


Tea Tree oil: studies find promising results for lice therapy. Investigators used three different products to treat children with head lice, including one that contained tea tree oil and lavender oil. After their last day of treatment, nearly all of the children who were treated with the tea tree and lavender product were free of lice.

Rosemary oil: known for cleansing your scalp and balancing your sebum production, which can also help to reduce the recurrence of lice. 

Geranium essential oil: is used as an insecticide against head lice

Citronella essential oil:  one of the longest lasting lice prevention essential oils. 

Lavender essential oil: effective & safe therapy to prevent lice

Aloe water: if the lice do get in to the hair, smother the scalp with aloe vera  and suffocate the lice.

Vitamin E oil: may help to combat lice, acts as stabilizing ingredient in this formula