Essential Facial Serum


Essential facial serum is a blend of jojoba, sweet almond oil with essential oils (EO): helichrysum, frankincense, & lavender.

Jojoba oil: improves the appearance of skin of all types. The greatest impact for dry and flaky skin, as well as on lost elasticity, fading, sagging skin with signs of aging. This oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, it removes peeling, improves elasticity of the skin. Jojoba oil has a beneficial effect on skin problems, treats acne and affects other inflammations and skin diseases (eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis). Assists with irritation and calming of the skin.

Sweet almond oil: Thanks to the Vitamin E, sweet almond oil keeps your skin cells healthy, protects your skin from UV radiation damage, and helps your skin look smooth, soft, and free of fine lines. The fatty acids help your skin retain moisture and can heal chapped and irritated skin. Plus, vitamin A can help reduce acne.

Helichrysum EO: It contains anti-microbial, anti-biotic and regenerative compounds that promote healthy skin cell growth and regeneration with the benefits of a pleasant scent. It also helps speed up healing of wounds, burns, and rashes and reduce scarring.

Frankincense EO: benefits include the ability to strengthen skin and improve its tone, elasticity, and defense mechanisms against bacteria or blemishes, Studies have shown frankincense to have anti-inflammatory and “tissue remodeling” properties as well.

Lavender EO:  has antifungal properties and reduces inflammation, it can help keep eczema at bay. Lavender oil can also be used to treat psoriasis. The lavender oil helps cleanse your skin and lessen redness and irritation.